Tuesday 13 December 2011

Quality / / Craft

The video shows how designers Glithero and printmakers Baddeley Brothers use a traditional printing press and an envelope-folding machine to craft their patterned paper planes.

Beautiful work.

Interesting camera angles / / close- ups / / pace etc.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Colour Consideration.

The brief for Silent Movie states that we have to use black & white plus one colour.
So, I think it would be a refreshing idea to apply this colour consideration (or at least see what it looks like) to my own project.  

I love the minimalist design, keeping image and type separate for heightened impact, and focused information.

/ / Tints and Tones

Smokin Sessions 

Poster Design, 2011.

Monday 5 December 2011

Kinetic Type Breakdown.

Firstly I will be looking at equal time separations within the video.
I have divided the total time by 25 to give me the separations within screen grabs.

Because the video is foreign it is difficult to know the subject matter, however, after researching into a few origins I have come up with: 'Alto Impacto' translates from Spanish to the english 'High Impact'.  It is hard to say what exactly this type is promoting, but by examining the way the type moves on and off the screen I would guess an intro for a film?  Possibly?

Equal time separations:

Thursday 1 December 2011

Kinetic Dispersal.

Biological Dispersal through plants- density independent dispersal.  Kinetic energy.

Initial research into Biological dispersal.  I get the feeling something good with come from looking into visual science.