Tuesday 8 February 2011

Brief: 'Book Works'

After researching interesting words beginning with 'a', I have found a select few that have potential to be successful in getting a reaction from a wider audience.

The first is the 'ai - three toed sloth'.
- Three toed sloths are around the size of a small dog.
- Unlike two toed sloths they have a small tail.
- It is closer to a reptile because it does not have a constant body temperature.

'Allantoid' - 'shaped like a sausage'.
Referring to 'allantois'.
I thought creating a book on 'Things shaped like a sausage' would be humorous and interesting.  However, this blunt definition isn't quite how it seems.
There is no true definition, but the general gist is that of biology within plants and animals.
So, in short.  This is not what I thought and my original idea will not stand.

'Agrostology' - 'study of grass'.

'Agrostology (from Greek ἄγρωστιςagrōstis, "type of grass"; and -λογία-logia), sometimes graminology, is the scientific study of grasses. It typically encompasses the true grasses (the family Poaceae), as well as the more grasslike species of the sedge family (Cyperaceae), the rush family (Juncaceae), and the bulrush or cattail family Typhaceae. Grasslike plants are also referred to as graminoids.
Agrostology has importance in the maintenance of wild and grazed grasslandsagriculture (crop plants such as ricemaizesugarcane, and wheat are grasses, and many types of animal fodder are grasses), urban and environmental horticulture, turfgrass management and sod production, ecology, and conservation.'

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